File Handling Unix commands, Basic Unix commands / Linux commands

Listing files and directories

  • ls (list)

When you first login, your current working directory is your home directory. Your home directory has the same name as your user-name, for example, rahul, and it is where your personal files and subdirectories are saved.

To find out what is in your home directory, type
# ls

The ls command lists the contents of your current working directory.

[rahul@rahul ~]$ ls
Desktop    Downloads  Music     new file~  Public     Videos
Documents  Maildir    new file  Pictures   Templates
[rahul@rahul ~]$

There may be no files visible in your home directory, in which case, the UNIX prompt will be returned. Alternatively, there may already be some files inserted by the System Administrator when your account was created.

To list all files in your home directory including those whose names begin with a dot, type

# ls -a

As you can see, ls -a lists files that are normally hidden.

[rahul@rahul ~]$ ls -a
.              .dbus      .gnote           Maildir    .pulse
..             Desktop    .gnupg           .mozilla   .pulse-cookie
.bash_history  Documents  .gstreamer-0.10  Music      .ssh
.bash_logout   Downloads  .gtk-bookmarks   .nautilus  Templates
.bash_profile  .esd_auth  .gvfs            new file   Videos
.bashrc        .gconf     .ICEauthority    new file~  .viminfo
.cache         .gconfd    .imsettings.log  Pictures   .xsession-errors
.config        .gnome2    .local           Public
[rahul@rahul ~]$

  • Making Directories

# mkdir (make directory)

We will now make a subdirectory in your home directory to hold the files you will be creating and using in the another article. To make a subdirectory called mydir in your current working directory type

# mkdir mydir

[rahul@rahul ~]$ mkdir mydir

To see the directory you have just created, type

# ls

[rahul@rahul ~]$ ls
Desktop    Downloads  Music  new file   Pictures  Templates
Documents  Maildir    mydir  new file~  Public    Videos
[rahul@rahul ~]$

  • Changing to a different directory

cd (change directory)

The command cd directory means change the current working directory to 'directory'. The current working directory may be thought of as the directory you are in, i.e. your current position in the file-system tree.
To change to the directory you have just made, type

# cd mydir

[rahul@rahul ~]$ cd mydir
[rahul@rahul mydir]$ ls
[rahul@rahul mydir]$

Type ls to see the contents (which should be empty)
  •  The directories . and ..

Still in the mydir directory, type

#  ls –a

[rahul@rahul mydir]$ ls
[rahul@rahul mydir]$ ls -a
.  ..

As you can see, in the mydir directory (and in all other directories), there are two special directories
called (.) and (..)

The current directory (.)

In UNIX, (.) means the current directory, so typing

# cd .

[rahul@rahul mydir]$ cd .

NOTE: there is a space between cd and the dot

means stay where you are (the mydir directory).
This may not seem very useful at first, but using (.) as the name of the current directory will save a lot of typing, as we shall see later.

The parent directory (..)

(..) means the parent of the current directory, so typing
# cd ..

[rahul@rahul mydir]$ cd ..
[rahul@rahul ~]$

will take you one directory up the hierarchy (back to your home directory). Try it now.
Note: typing cd with no argument always returns you to your home directory. This is very useful if you are lost in the file system.
  •  pwd (print working directory)

Path names enable you to work out where you are in relation to the whole file-system. For example, to find out the absolute pathname of your home-directory, type cd to get back to your home-directory and then type

#  pwd

The full pathname will look something like this -

[rahul@rahul ~]$ pwd

which means that dlinux (your home directory) is in the sub-directory mydir (the group directory),which in turn is located in the its sub-directory, which is in the home sub-directory, which is in the top-level root directory called " / " .

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